Thursday, January 22, 2015

Another Bright and Beautiful Day

 "Peony Trio" 8"x 10", Felted wool, Hand-dyed cotton, Beads, Perle cotton embroidery, photo by Amy Mackinaw

 "Willow Leaf" 10" x 10 1/2", Hand-dyed cotton, Felted wool, Beads, Perle cotton embroidery,
photo by Amy Mackinaw

  "Caribou Antler in Red", 12" x 13", Hand-dyed cotton, Felted wool, Beads, Antler buttons, Perle cotton embroidery,
photo by Amy Mackinaw

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

From Ukuleles to Fat Bikes

 "Ukulele", 10" x 15", Fiber, Beads,
photo by Amy Mackinaw

"Forever Summer"  10" x 15". Fiber, Beads
photo by Amy Mackinaw

"Love", 10"x 15", Fiber, Beads,
photo by Amy Mackinaw

"Fat Tire Bike",  Fiber, Beads, 10"x 15",
photo by Amy Mackinaw

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January Palette

It's not warm enough for a rainbow outside, but that's what appeared inside today.