Monday, October 11, 2021

Seeing Stories in the Woods

 It’s lowbush cranberry season here in the woods. Best to pick them after a frost which we have had. Mountains are a little farther away from me than the birch trees, but I can dream of them. And I can see their outline off in the distance as I travel my usual routes to town. The mountains are calling, as they always are, but I must wait. And until then, I can make them in my work. 

6 1/2” x 8 1/2” shoulder pouch, hand dyed, printed fabric collage sandwiched under polyester organza overlay with free motion stitching. 

Find this and similar work in my shop:

Friday, April 30, 2021

Etsy shop

 It was worth the work to get my Etsy shop up and running last fall when there were going to be very limited in-person selling opportunities.  The response was great!  Thanks to all who visited.

Through the winter my shop has been left a bit unattended as I have been recovering from shoulder surgery.  But that process is nearing its end, and I can reach the wheel of my sewing machine again (woohoo!), so I look forward to restocking in a sizable way soon!

My work is also available locally (Fairbanks, Alaska) at the Roaming Root, and in Anchorage at Tiny Gallery.

Thanks, as always, for supporting a maker like me.  We small business people appreciate you so much!       --Amy

Click here for my shop. :)