Saturday, November 10, 2012


          I'm in the midst of reading Jane Dunnewold's newest book Art Cloth and can't say enough how wonderful it is to hear her acknowledge the importance of the "making" of our art.
So in honor of the making, I stepped out to my workshop and created this fiber art card for my mom, my mentor and inspiration.  It'll go in the mail tomorrow.

Tree           5 3/4" x 7"

Detail; hand-dyed and commercial cottons,
polyester organza, seed beads

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Mended Heart

          This fiber art card is going in the mail today to a friend with a mending heart.  Here's the order of the quilt sandwich from top to bottom:
*size 11 seed beeds, stitched on individually
*polyester organza (my eternal quest for the invisible organza is still on)
*machine embroidery (I always use quilting gloves to get a grip on the work)
*composition in cottons, no fusing necessary; the machine embroidery on top of the organza does the trick
*heavyweight Pellon--very stiff
*muslin (a.k.a. salvaged airplane wing cover)

          The next elements are added on the bottom after all the previous layers are stitched:
*fusible interfacing fused to the bottom muslin layer
*binding is stitched on; stitch onto back first, fold over to front and stitch down close to edge; stitch another time around for design element