Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Quilt Cuffs

Alaska inspired and delicious to make and bead. The final touch: a moose antler button clasp.
2 1/2"x8", hand dyed fabric collage,
free motion quilted, beaded
Photo/copyright Amy Mackinaw

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Spirit of Alaska flags

What a gorgeous fall day to be set up at the Tanana Valley Farmers Market. A beautiful way to spend the day--munching some carrots, too-- 😊
Spirit of Alaska Flag Set, each flag 6"x 8"
Caribou, Raven, Mountains, Salmon, Grizzly

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tundra Bearberries

Padded Shoulder Pouch, 6 1/2" x 8 1/2", 50" strap
Available at Alaska Geographic Store, Fairbanks, Alaska
Follow my work on Instagram: @amymmackinaw
Facebook: Bearberry Designs / Amy Mackinaw
Or email me: bearberrydesigns@gmail.com